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I think, my journey into the World of Art has started from sketches.

My parents told me

I would sketch everything around me since i was four years old. Sketching was an escape into my little magical world . I was fascinated by the opportunities I discovered with black ink and paper. While being a Fine Art student i would so much enjoy the assignment to make 20 to 30 sketches a day that eventually I realized, sketching was the best way to learn and practice art. That’s how sketching became a part of my everyday routine, my meditation and my "escape room".

Isn’t that crazy how one can freeze the time on paper by sketching an exact moment. This particular thought encouraged me to start sketching people in motion, for instance a stranger in the airport waiting in the line, or a couple in Starbucks kissing. I felt like it was some sort of a unique super power to frieze time, make someone immortal.

The Airplane Sketches tradition

Luckily Since i was a kid i would travel a lot to Europe and USA. Hours and hours in the airports, transit areas and long flights would evoke butterflies in my stomach! Those long hours I would constantly sketch everything and everyone around me and eventually i started a tradition . That tradition was Airplane Sketches.

Today airplane sketches is not just a tradition for me its a long term project that one day will transform into a unique exhibition. This project is about people and their stories. Every human is a book, a story and i share that story in every drawing I create. Each of the sketch is so dear to me, I remember all of them. But i guess the fun part is the process of creation and observing the excitement people.Now imagine you are sleeping during a long flight and when you wake up you see a drawing of yourself left on your table.

My proccess of sketching

When I am in the airport or on the plane I start scanning people and looking for unique interesting characters and I sketch them as quickly as I can because people move every minute they change their poses or their face impressions. It trains my memory and reactions. Then I make a quick sketch and only afterward i can spend hours on details on the plane or I often make my sketches digital and play with colors and ideas. If I see a couple I will make a quick sketch and later I will add some meaning to the drawing. For instance, flying music notes on the background or interesting details and symbols representing the love story of this couple.

In the end, I usually give these sketches as a present to people I sketch, we usually become very good friends, or they become. This tradition of mine makes me so happy and alive, I believe this long-term project will transform into a huge very bold, and contemporary exhibition." - quotes the artist